Aaron Harinck - Portfolio



Desktop site about a "fixer"

HTML, CSS & JS (Desktop only)

homepage visual fixer
January 2019

There are countless other situations that could use the services of a Fixer. I needed to come up with a fixer around a specific situation and build a desktop website around it.

I also needed to integrate a little rating system using Javascript, which I was very inexperienced at the time.


This was the first website I made in higher education. I decided to make a website around a stimulus fixer (“prikkelfixer”). I thought about the overload of stimuli around us and created a stimulus fixer profile.

That is why the website uses relaxing colors, with very subtle gradients, to create a feeling of peacefulness. The website is also contained and surrounded by a big white border, mainly for giving structure, predictability and to give the least overwhelming feeling as possible.


fixer speciality page with ratingsystem fixer hire page